
Product Center

Product Classification
D86 Three-phase watt-hour meters

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Product Description

  • brief introduction
  • technical parameter
  • Product size


Three-phase watt-hour meter is that of inductance?type, used for measuring three-phase AC active?or reactive energy of reference frequency 50Hz or?60Hz, DT862, DT864, DS862 and DS864 series are?the three-phase active energy watt-hour meters, and?DX862, DX864, DX865 and DX863 series are three-phase reactiveenergy watt-hour meters.?

Main Technical data

1. The active energy watt-hour meter conforms to alltechnical requirements stipulated in standard GB/T17215.311-2008 Alternating Current Watt-hourMeters for Active Energy (Classes 0.5, 1 and 2), and the reactive energy watt-hour meter conformsto all technical requirements stipulated in standard GB/T17215.311-2008 Reactive Energy Watt-hour

2. The watt-hour meter can be made into two kinds:direction connection type and the type of connectionthrough multi-purpose current transformer or multi-purpose voltage transformer.

3. Start: under reference voltage, reference frequencyand COSφ=1 (reactive energy watt-hour meter sinφ=1), when the load current can't exceed thestarting current in the table, the rotary disc of watt-hour meter can start and rotate continuously.

4. Creeping: when current circuit of watt-hour meterhas no current, and the voltage applied to voltage circuit is 80%~110% of reference value, the rotarydisc of watt-hour meter rotates not more than 1 circle.

5. Dielectric performance: when the watt-hour metercan with stand impact waveform (standard waveform1.2/50μs)and impact voltage of 6kV peak value for10 times respectively, it won't be damaged. The circuit-to-earth of watt-hour meter can withstand sinewaveform of 2kV and 45~65Hz at AC voltage for 1min.

Produce Specification

External And Installation Size